Summer Networking Event and Shining Star Awards 2019


Back for 2019 our Summer event is an excellent way to make lots of connections in a fun and friendly environment.

This year our event is at The Hunton Park Hotel, nestled in the scenic Hertfordshire countryside, this venue is truly something special. With  22 acres of landscaped gardens and woodlands surrounding the Queen Anne Manor House this venue is ideal to celebrate success at our summer event. 

We open the event at 10am with a chance to network and browse our stalls and stands. There will be a networking game and refreshments with cake and fruit. ( Stands now sold out)

At 12pm we will sit down for a 2 course lunch.

After lunch this  year we have a guest speaker, Marina Pearson, mother, best selling author and international TedX Speaker.

Her talk  ‘MumRelief: Break Free From The (Mental) Burdens Of Motherhood & Modern Day Life’ is a 20 minute transformational talk and she will be sharing the number one ingredient to experience peace of mind.

  • You will disccover why the way you feel has got nothing to do with how much you have on your plate
  • Why stress and overwhelm are actually your friends
  • How you are always being guided by wisdom

Marina is an investor and Joy retreat facilitator. Most of all she is a human Be-ing. She lives her life working on projects that light her up and in the process assists others to also light up their lives.

Over 14 years’ experience in the transformation industry has culminated in Marina helping mums to ditch the stress at the Joy retreats she hosts from her home in Javea, Spain. As host of the Joy of Being podcast, Marina interviews transformation professionals, business owners and creatives on how to live a life we can truly enjoy.

Marina’s work has been featured on ITV’s This Morning, Marie Claire, Spirit & Destiny, The Guardian and the Daily Mail. She is also the bestselling author of Goodbye Mr Ex and has new book coming out soon!

After this inspirational talk we will be presenting our Shining Star Awards for 2019.

This event attracts 50+ business owners and managers from across Herts, Beds and Bucks.

If you have any special dietary needs please add to the comments box when booking.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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