Power Up Your Social Media

Power up your social media is one day course which will include bespoke content for those attending.

The morning session will be an overview of the latest tips and tricks using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

If you want to become more effective and gain more engagement on your posts then this course will help you to understand how you can achieve this.  Teaching you proven tactics which work to engage your followers, help you track results and keep an eye on your competitors.

After lunch we will cover post ideas, including Facebook Live videos, Instagram stories, using images and how you can create compelling and interesting content your fans will not only love but share!

You will be given best practice tips and how to engage with your audience and not become a social bore!

Short of time? Then the section on time saving tips and how to cut through the noise of social media will be so worth the time you spend at this one day workshop!

Who is this course for?

  • For anyone already using social media and not achieving the results they would like.
  • Anyone who feels overwhelmed and isnt sure what the best solutions are for them.
  • New businesses who want an overview of what value each of platforms can bring to their business and ideas on how to approach a strategy.

We will not be teaching how to set up of these platforms. So set them up before you come along.

All refreshments and lunch is included, make sure you add in the comments box if you have any dietary requirements.

There is ample free parking at the venue.

The price is £99.00 plus VAT

This course is taught by Debbie Gilbert, owner of Businesswomen UnLtd, The Best Business Women Awards, The 3 Counties Expo and Viva Business Support. Qualified with the Chartered Institute of Marketing and user of social media since it began! Follow me on Twitter @vivadebi @mumsuntld @bbwomenawards @3countiesexpo (well had to do a little plug!) More about this on the course! Connect with me on LinkedIn or Like one of the many Facebook Pages I have! You can also find me on Instagram and yes I dont sleep very often….


Bookings are closed for this event.

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