Free – On Camera & Presentation Skills Tutorial

The tutorial will be interactive; showing skills, techniques and proven exercises that participants can use to overcome the fear of giving live presentations/getting on camera.

Hints and tips to be covered:

  • Importance of good preparation and content
  • Importance of dress, be comfortable
  • Be confident!

Participation will include:

  • Body Language – stance, using your arms and working the presentation space/being on camera
  • Vocal Exercises – breathing technique, tone, pace and the pause
  • Pointers on a 30 second – 1 minute piece about you/your business 

The tutorial will be led by Karen Witchalls-Plunkett, who has 20 years professional experience both in front of and behind the camera as a journalist/presenter and news producer and is now using her experience to help others develop confidence in presenting.

Testimonial: Both Andrew & myself thoroughly enjoyed, what is a slightly terrifying subject! Karen made the presentation both fun & interactive. However the best thing was the really practical hints & tips she provided, which I have since implemented. I still have a long way to go until I can become a TV newsreader but my BBC arms alone (I have been told!) have improved my presentations.

This event is free but if you would like to make a donation to ‘Masks for NHS Heroes’ who are raising funds to provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to protect healthcare workers against the Coronavirus:
Register by clicking here 

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